Tag: knowing your own strength
Alternate attributes and skills in GURPS
When GURPS Power-Ups 9: Alternate Attributes came out, I was thrilled. Right now, sitting here and typing out this blog post, I’m still thrilled about its existence. It’s everything someone like me could want! By “someone like me”, I mean someone who tinkers with tabletop RPGs past the point of frustration out of unnecessary perfectionism and perhaps…
Revisiting using Knowing Your Own Strength with Conditional Injury in GURPS
All the way back in September 2019, I made a post on how to use “Knowing Your Own Strength” from Pyramid #3/83: Alternate GURPS IV with “Conditional Injury” from Pyramid #3/120: Alternate GURPS V in GURPS. For five months, I worked on it, but I just wasn’t figuring it out; so, back in March, I messaged dataweaver on…
End of May report
Oops! It’s already June 1st. My GURPS/Fate game was pushed back from Saturday to Sunday this weekend, so I ended up forgetting to write this post yesterday. Of course, there are other things going on right now. Like, a lot. And I’m tired of people acting like this is a political issue too. You know what…
End of April report
COVID-19 is still here, but my new mechanical keyboard isn’t. What a way to start this report! Truly, I feel so grateful to be safe and healthy, but I have grown ever more frustrated and weary with the world, especially my country and the people within it. Don’t worry. I won’t get too political—well, not…
End of January report
Infection or no infection, injury or no injury, I can type out a short update and I did make some progress before I injured my arm. Also, I moved away from specifying my reports as for the greyfolk language or writing or GURPS because I will hopefully be talking a bit more about each of them in…
Late to 2020: Reviewing 2019
I’m not terribly proud of myself for falling behind in December, but I also worked much less on my writing and my conlang. For the first time in a long while, I had a huge boost in motivation to work on GURPS stuff. So, that’s what I did, but I didn’t post about anything because…
Thoughts on decapitation in GURPS
To make execution and decapitation fit the rules better, there are [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘How would you model Saudi Arabia beheading in GURPS?’ on the GURPS forums”]a couple of worthy suggestions[/su_tooltip]: Kromm says: If “triple damage” is possible on a lucky shot, then in a set-up situation where luck doesn’t…
Knowing Your Own Strength with Conditional Injury in GURPS
So that’s what he’s been doing. You caught me fair and square. This month, I’ve spent over a week trying to figure out how to best merge Knowing Your Own Strength (KYOS) with Conditional Injury (CI). The funniest part of the story is that this came from me trying to fit some new decapitation rules into GURPS…