Lots of (Powered by) GURPS Kickstarters

On the off-chance that someone sees this and then on the further off-chance someone thinks, “Wow, wait, I love GURPS too”, I have some news. There are currently two active Kickstarters where you can show your support for GURPS as I have done so: SJ Games’ Dungeon Fantasy RPG Monsters 2 as well as Douglas Cole’s 3rd party (though it doesn’t make it any less better—perhaps, it makes it even more betterer to see high-quality 3rd party support, but now I’m rambling in this parenthetical) The Citadel at Norðvorn.

Maybe I’ll come back around and do a review for the DFRPG box set as well as Douglas Cole’s previous supplement—Hall of Judgment. Before I do something like that, however, I need to add some more language stuff and also work on my own personal GURPS campaign—Project Sirocco.





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